Wednesday, May 5, 2010

keep austin weird

A few weekends ago I rode my scooter down to Austin and, wow, let me be the first to tell you, that place is good. And I mean real good... As we approached to city, which actually looked like kind of hilly and Calfornia-esque but not really, I was stunned to see real steel buildings, and a lot of them. I wasn't completely expecting just a bunch of farms, but I thought it would be closer to that then what I saw. UT's almost-too-big football stadium was pretty neat to actually see in real life. The capital building looked cool too, not much to say about that though. The Tiesto concert, which was straight off-the-wall-bonkers-nutty, was a nice little preview of the weekend to come. The combination of hippies, cowboys, guidos, wild animals, cops, normal people and midgets on sixth street was something I might never forget, and I'm truly grateful I had a chance to experience the weird of Austin, which I always heard so much about, first hand. It was sweet. The weekend went too fast; I just wanted to stay in Austin and with the weirdos instead of drive back to DULLas. The city was popping with excitement from Friday afternoon, throughout the weekend, all the way until Sunday afternoon, where people were still roaming sixth street.

Maybe if we start slowly started shutting down Greenville every now and then we could get it to be a little like sixth street. The atmosphere here in Dallas, however, just wouldn't compare. I'm not sure if anywhere will.

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